
How do i post a wanted/needed in freecycle?

by  |  earlier

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i want to post a needed/wanted in freecycle but i dont know how




  1. First thing, are you a member of your group? (As a moderator, I've gotten an "I can't post" email from several non members, problem solved when they joined.)

    Once you have joined, go to the home page. On the left is a button that says "Post Message" you can click on to get a blank page. Or look at the bottom - there should be an email address to send your posts to.

    Also, make sure you read their rules - some only allow "wanted" and may reject a post headed "needed"

    Best wishes, and enjoy yourself! I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff thanks to Freecycle.

  2. You can post it via email or directly on the group site.

    To email:  Compose a message. In Subject line, type Wanted - name of item you want - your zip code.  In the text body, you can add details of what you want and your city name. Then send it to the group.

    To post direct to group site:  Sign in to the group. Click Post located on left side of page. In Subject line, type Wanted - name of item you want and your zip code.  In the text body, you can add details of what you want and add the city name.

    Then click Preview button near bottom of page. If it looks ok, click Send.  Your message will have to be approved by group moderator before being posted to group site. Then it will appear on the site plus be emailed to all members.  If anbody has what you need, they will email you in a private email.  That email will not show up on the group site.

    When you receive what you need, you should post another message to group site saying "Received - whatever you wanted -your zip code.  This message will also be posted on group site to let members know you received what you needed.

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