i have a bunny that's about 1 year old. hes pretty big, almost the size of a cat, and hes a lop eared bunny. i want to potty train him so that everyday what i do is clean out the litter box that goes in his cage, so that i only have to clean the entire cage about twice a week. my mom told me to put him in an area that it doesn't matter if he poops and bring the litter box in there too, and then when he poops u pick him up and set him in the cage, even if he jumps out, and then put the p**p in the litter box, and then repeat it so that when u put him in the litter box he will smell the p**p and associate pooping with the litter box, and ive tried it a bunch of times and all he does is attack the box. he bites the edge of it and picks it up and throws it around. will that method of potty training him work? and how do i keep him from attacking the box, because i cant put it in there because he tips it over and it spills over