
How do i practis contacting spirits in my own home?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone tell me what to do or haw 2 meditate or something because iv seen spirits before and even whitnessed things move on there own but iv noticed it only happens when i feel relaxed so haw do i get then 2 contact me properly because it happening more offen to me and some times its when i least exspect it so sometimes it scares me but i no whoever it is is a good spirit and is trying to contact me.




  1. You seem very advanced spiritually, but not that old. Admirable quality, but seek a professional. Don't go around telling people or your friends that you see/talk to spirits. As narrow as some human minds are, you don't even want to mess with trying to explain these sorts of things to them. As far as practicing goes, keep meditating and being in that relaxed state of which the spirit tries to contact you.

  2. Contacting spirits is risky business and should not be handled lightly.  If it is scaring you, all you have to do really is tell them to leave.  No special ceremony or device is needed or recommended.  If you feel you are in physical danger, that is another story and you should consult a professional.

  3. If it's happening "more offen" then it sounds like you don't need any help contacting them.  But I will tell you the best way to come in contact with spirits.

    a.) Abandon all critical thinking.

    b.) Adopt a magical and spiritual perspective of the world.

    c.) Assume anything that doesn't have an immediate explanation is a spirit.

    d.) Regard things like evidence and reason with contempt and suspicion.

    If you follow my four suggestions you will be witnessing spirits in no time.  Good luck!

  4. I like to practice with Vodka or a single malt Scotch..mix a little cannabis and...Oh Yeah!

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