
How do i prepare for my boer goats first kidding?

by  |  earlier

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she is 1 and a half and will kid in 4 months. this will be her first time and ours too and i dont know what to do.




  1. The main focus right now should be that your doe is getting proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight.  Don't start overfeeding her, as a fat goat will have more trouble kidding than a normal weight animal.

    Right now is business as usual for her.  If she's in a herd, make sure she's not being bullied too much, plenty of outside time, fresh air and exercise.

    Within 30 days of her due date, make sure she receives her CDT vaccination, and depending on where you live, she may also need additional trace minerals.  The northeast US is very selenium deficient, and I have to give my does a BO-SE injection before kidding (usually around the same time as the CDT).  This prevents white muscle disease.

    When she is within 2 weeks of her due date, set her up in a kidding stall, separate from the rest of the herd.  Make sure there's plenty of clean bedding, and this is a good time for you to get your supplies together.  Towels, iodine (to dip navels), an emergency vet contact number (posted in the barn!) will make it alot easier.

    As this is going to be her first kidding, she might be more vocal and have to work harder to deliver than she will in subsequent kiddings.  You can tell labor is getting ready to start within about 24 hours when you notice a stringy, mucous discharge.  Most does kid in the evening, for some reason, and I always try to be there to assist if necessary.  Due dates are pretty accurate, so plan on being home when the time comes.

    Lots to be excited about and to plan for, but if you take the proper care of her during the pregnancy, kidding is usually pretty fast and easy.  

    Feel free to email me if you need more info, and good luck!

  2. Well, the good news is you have plenty of time to get ready for the event and you need to start thinking about nutrition and shots for her before the blessed event.

    Here is a site that will help you for the birthing process

    That site has some pretty good information on goats in general so you may want to go through the site and read.  

    Here is another site but it talks about dairy goats. Goats are goats so look at eveything you can.  This site gives you a run down of preparation by weeks

    Gohr goats are pretty hardy and do really well on their own but make sure you have the number of your vet or trusted goat specialist pinned to the wall weeks before she is expected to give birth.  If you do your preparation, you will be rewarded with 2 or 3 cute little babies.  

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