
How do i prepare for the Eagle Board of Review?

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How do i prepare for the Eagle scout Board of Review, what kind of questions do they ask and what do i need to learn for the review?

What do i need to know to pass it? What if i forget something do i not pass? Do i get a second chance?




  1. Hello J.T.:

    Congratulations on earning the Eagle rank! The BOR is a final review. Make sure all of your paperwork is in order, everything is signed, and your project is well documented.

    Make sure your uniform is clean, and every patch is in the proper location. If you are wearing it, be able to explain what each patch represents. If you wear hard shoes or boots, polish them. If you wear athletic shoes, make sure they are as clean as is possible. Do not wear your OA sash. If you wear your merit badge sash, wear it properly.

    Be sure you can recite the Oath, Law, Motto & Slogan. Know the proper Boy Scout handshake, salute and sign.  

    Review what you did to earn each rank, starting from Scout. You don't have to memorize the book, just review what you did.

    Remember to smile, look each member of the board in the eyes when they speak to you, and shake their hand firmly when you are introduced. If you have trouble looking people in the eyes, look at the bridge of their nose. When you are asked a question, speak clearly, and confidently. If you don't know the answer to a question, say "I don't know that, but I'll find out," or "I don't remember right now." Don't make excuses, don't stall, and DO NOT make anything up. Remember to use your "please" and "thank you's." Use "Yes" and "No," do not use "yeah" or "neah."  

    If you are asked to sit, sit with your back straight, and avoid slouching. Your hands should be at your sides, in your lap, or if you use them to gesture when speaking, try to keep it to a minimum. Do not put your hands in your pockets.

    When the interview is over, stand and shake each participant's hand, while you thank them for their time.

    Don't focus on failing; focus on your experience as a Scout.

    Keep on Scoutin'

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