
How do i prepare my 5 year old to start primary school after leaving pre school what are some of the thing s?

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i should do to make it go over smoothly she starts in september




  1. if she handled going to pre-k then she should really not have any problems with going to Kindergaten. Take her places where there are a lot of people so that she can learn to be social- playdates, ect...... also you can work with her on counting, shapes, colors.... just the basic things that you would start to really learn. I know my daughter (who just finished K the beginning of this month) had to know how to count to 100 before she was able to be placed into 1st grade. Also, you can go to walmart or any other store that sells activity books and buy some that are for Kindergarten age children.

    here are some websites that provide learning games and activities she can do at home to help her out.

  2. You child should visit the school a few times so it will not be so overwhelming. Call the school and find an agreed upon time for school visitation. Most schools have operating hours during summer vacation. Also, see if there is a time when your child's teacher will be there so you could schedule a few minutes for a meet and greet. Your school may already be planning a meet and greet day.

    If this is not possible at least go by the school and walk through; if possible.

    Rehearse the alphabet, numbers, colors,songs, etc. that your child learned in preschool. The school may also have a list of things your child should be familiar with before they start kindergarten. This should be mailed out soon before the school year starts. When you registered your child for kindergarten this should have been given to you.

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