
How do i prevent burning in my stomach when i drink?

by  |  earlier

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now i can take the usual burning

but sometimes it is so bad i seriously feel like im about to throw up

could i be taking shots to fast or should i get food in my stomach before? or could i be breathing vapor in or something




  1. try sugar it breaks down the alcohol quicker but you wont lose your buzz

  2. Pretzels, chips crackers or even plain bread can prevent that normally.

  3. its heartburn!  and alcohol is a the main contributor along with cigarette smoking and over eating!  Drink water and stop drinkin S****y alcohol especially that girly S**t is gives you the worst acid reflux imaginable!

  4. it is symptom of stomach ulcer

    you should concert with doctor and one more thing you can do is best for you.... drink some water early morning with empty stomach

  5. suggestion is that you should eat something(preferably salads)before you drink

  6. Eat something before you start drinking.Get a good anti-acid.

  7. "the usual burning"? Wow, you must be one accomplished alcoholic if you think that's normal by now.

    And yes, you should always drink on a full stomach. Both to prevent harmful effects of alcohol in your empty stomach and to help control how drunk you get.

    But please, really take stock of how much you drink, it may be way past time to admit you have a problem.

  8. if you drink alot of spirits and mix them it might.

    but the worst is thos lollie drinks they put so much chemicals in there to much of it an kill you by itself. the drink is worse for you then alcohol by like 5x the amount.

  9. I'm thinking you could stand to have some more carbs in your stomach when you are drinking.  Bread, Rice, crackers, French Fries, Top Ramen, whatever.  Hope that helps.

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