
How do i prevent from falling and continue to grow?

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i was once going to church up to 4 days a week but now due to health reasons i only attend sun & wed (when blessed). i watch the word network, listen to gospel, read scriptures but i have no one near me that i can pray or read my bible with.




  1. We all fall down. It's getting up that makes the difference. You are striving to do what is right and what brings you peace. Progress not perfection.

  2. I am so sorry that health is preventing you from going to church as often as you'd like. I have a similar problem: I can't afford the gas.

    I'll be praying for you.

  3. If you'd like to be accountable with someone, you can be accountable with me! :) But really just trust God, rely on Him, and remember that you don't ALWAYS need someone to be able to read the bible.. it's good to look at in on your own and meditate over what the Word is saying, what its message means. Just message me if you'd like an accountability partner :) God doesn't look at how many times you go to church or how often you do things, but more importantly if your heart is in the right place, and if your love and faith is true. :)

  4. The questions you were asking were my questions too.  God show me the answer.   This answer is our free will or our choices to make.  

    You did really well by doing what you are now.  We have things in common.  I love to read and study my Bible, practicing the Word in my daily life,  serving and loving my fellow believers and my neighbors, listen to the sermon on line, listening to the Christian music and I have a chronic disease.  God healed me with my CD.  That sickness of mine did not stop me from growing and serving and loving our neighbors.  I always put in my prayers that I want to be addicted in His word and His presence in my life.  I want to be sensitive in His Spirit that dwells in my heart.  God hears my prayers.  Now I'm in the seminary and taking theology.   Is that amazing?  It is an honor to share the Word of God in His body.  

    I have a good experience when I went to Mississippi and stays in my barracks all the time and read, study, meditating His word and spend time with God every single day of my life there.  It's an awesome experience. I do not feel sorry for my self and I took it a blessing from God.  Now I have to wake up 2:00 am to spend time with God.  And I love it.  I will keep you in my prayers. Keep in mind, every opportunity in our life is opportunity to grow in faith and sharing His Word to everyone. Do not look at the negative way just focus to the Answer and that is Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.

  5. Going into McDonald's doesn't make you a hamburger, going into a church doesn't make you a Christian, however you must never forsake your fellowship (Hebrews 10:24-25), a fellowship is not necessarily a church building, although you could have fellowship there as well, but fellowship in the lord is when 2 or more come together in Christ's name wherever it may be, and of course study the word of god to find yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:14-15)      

  6. Yeah you got it. The only way falling is if you don't believe, and don't strive to repent. It seems like you have such a strong relationship with the Lord, and thats what matters the most. Give God the glory always, and you can pray while doing anything. Reading the Bible will give you a different understanding than it'll give someone else, so God speaks to all of us much different. Keep it up~

  7. what makes you think that going to a certain building to worship god makes you a better person? a building is a building. worshiping god is worshiping god whether you're in a building or not, watching a t.v. program does not make you a better person..

  8. Do you have friends at that church? Maybe you could invite them over sometime, and just spend time with each other. Maybe hang out and watch a movie, or you can pray together too. You definitely need fellowship, and if you can't go out, invite people in!

    I'll pray for your health! Stay strong, and try your hardest to stay connected!

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