
How do i prevent my ears from popping in an airplane?

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im scared of my ears popping in the airplane wat do i do




  1. ok this is GOING TO SOUND WIERD BUT... Tylenol cold (30 min before you get in the plane) (you can buy it once you go past the security because theres NO WAY you can make it into a bomb or something

    BUT heres another trick! if they start poping (which i doubt) you put 2 cups on each her haha i know it sounds funny put it works if you dont buy the medicine :)

    good luck!

    have a safe flight!

  2. chew gum or swallow whenever you feel starting to pop

  3. i heard your suppose to chew gum while its going up

  4. you really cant ever stop your ears from popping i mean its pressure but i guess you just keep moving your jaw and it will help a bit

  5. If you have a cold ,even a mild one,not even noticeable,a throat/ear infection,expect it to happen...a very mild blockage  of eustachian tube,usually is relieved,by swallowing,doing so frequently could help..if you are really having a severe cold,is adviced not to travel unless you have to in that case see yr doctor,for a nasal spray

    The reason for ear pain is this

    The air pressure in the middle ear is usually the same as the air pressure outside of the body. The eustachian tube is a connection between the middle ear and the back of the nose and upper throat. Swallowing or yawning opens the eustachian tube and allows air to flow into or out of the middle ear, equalizing the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum. If the eustachian tube is blocked, the air pressure in the middle ear is different than the pressure on the outside of the eardrum, causing barotrauma.

    Many people experience barotrauma at some time. Barotrauma commonly occurs with altitude changes, such as with flying, scuba diving, or driving in the mountains. If you have a congested nose from allergies, colds, or upper respiratory infection, barotrauma is more likely. Blockage of the eustachian tube could also be congenital (present before birth), or may occur because of swelling in the throat.

  6. chewing gum usually helps people. Just keeping your mouth moving is really the best bet.

  7. Chewing gum or just simply swallowing as you ascend and descend.

  8. Chew Gum

  9. When ever you feel pressure on your ears, yawn. Force yourself to yawn so that way they won't hurt at all. Other than that they will pop due to atmospheric pressure, hope i could help. :)

  10. Have some lollies or hold your nose and blow out through your nose. Either all it all works.

  11. chew on something such as gum or candy. This gets your jaw moving and it connects to the eardrum balancing the pressure of raising in elevation. Also you can trry yawn or blowing while closing your nose.

  12. I have this problem very bad, to the point of tears, its awful. You can buy "ear-planes" these little ear plugs that are spiral shaped, they work great. They are pretty cheap, and theres directions on the box, and you can get them at most stores like Walmart or even in the little shops at the airport, they just cost more. Gum doesnt really help me.

  13. chew gum, suck on mints (or something that will make you constantly swallow).  Try drinking water (altho this will make u need to pee a lot. lol)  You can also kee your fingers in your ears while doing this, it causes them to adjust to the pressure slower.  I've also seen someone put a styrofom (sp?) cup over each ear and said it really works.  they swear by it.

    EDIT: it's not the jaw motion that helps, it's the swallowing that helps.  yawning works too.

  14. Just yawn and swallow. That's it. And make sure not to have a cold.

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