
How do i prevent my fish from having ick again??

by  |  earlier

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i want to get balla fish but i don't want them to get ick again.




  1. Let me explain something to you, water quality only promotes growth of ick, it doesn't cause the ick. Another thing, preventing it by using aquarium salt doesn't kill or prevent the ick. What prevents ick from going into your tank is by quarantine any new fish that you have, never mixing the pet shop tank water with your display tank water.

    Some people in here thinks that ick gets into the water due to water quality, or some people in here thinks that aquarium salt will prevent ick. But in actuality, ick is put inside the tank by you. If you do your proper research and observance of fishes at the pet shops along with using a Quarantine tank, these are the only methods that I can think of that can help prevent ick in your tank.

    You should observe signs of any white spots, you should also ask the pet shop clerk to feed the fish in front of you to make sure that the fish is healthy, you should also take note of the fins, tails, the gills and the scales. You should also look at the tank mates as well, if you see any of the fishes with ick, the chances are, there is ick in the water and that is how people transfer the ick into their display tank. Ick doesn't come out because of poor water quality, yes, poor water quality will contribute to the growth but it's not going to cause ick to appear.

    Here is an example, you can have the clearest, healthiest water, but when you buy a fish and the ick shows up in your tank, what will you think after that?

    Anyways, I hope that this helps, and to the rest of the answerers, this is a learning lesson that you need to know before answering sophisticated questions.................... Good Luck...............

  2. Keep water quality very good and don't let your temperature fluctuate.  

  3. Aquarium salt

    Antibiotics food

    Fungus meds

    Try getting and puting these in every water change

    what i usally do is get ich meds fungus meds and aquarium salt in

    Add to my aqaurium after every water change

    If you have inverbrates let it cycle out for a 30mins

    Works Great!!!!

  4. raise your temperature to about 79 to 81 and add fresh water aquarium salt.  Doing this will give your fish a high tolerance of getting ick.

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