
How do i prevent myself from fainting when im geetting blood taken/vaccines/etc? (im VERY squeamish)?

by Guest65749  |  earlier

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How do i prevent myself from fainting when im geetting blood taken/vaccines/etc? (im VERY squeamish)?




  1. Look away and concentrate on something you love. Hawaii, bf, cake, etc. :)

  2. well i actually faint when getting blood taken but for me its because if they take more than 3 tubes its too much and i faint from blood loss. Any who u cant stop yourself from fainting its a natural thing especially if your afraid of needles. But u can do what u can to prevent it and u might wanna warn who ever is taking blood or giving u a shot that u may faint maybe they can help and heres a link that may help  

  3. ok, i have the same problem! im really bad!!!! what i have learned to do is ask the nurse if u can lie day. tell them that u have a phobia of needles and ask them to use the smallest needle possible. after that, its outta ur hands. now all that u have to do is focus on ur breathing. breathe in and out slowly and hold on to someones hand and squeeze it hard. warn them.. heehee. if u try to breathe and stay calm, that should help! good luck! <3

  4. With immense and intense determination you can overcome this problem.  Look away and concentrate very hard on something whilst it is happening.  Do some mental arithmetic whilst it is happening.  Anything to keep your brain busy so you are distracted from the proceedings.  Try to finish the crossword puzzle in your head.  That last clue that you couldn't solve.

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