
How do i publish my book and how much will it cost ?

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  1. It won't cost you anything, unless you self-publish. Self-publishing companies will charge you various fees. If your book is good and a publisher accepts it, they will pay you royalties on every book sold, plus they usually pay you an advance on those royalties.

    To get a publishing contract, you usually need an agent. Here's what to do:

    1. Once your book is as good as you can get it, write a query letter. There are websites, blogs, and books that talk about query letters and tell you how to write one.

    2. To find an agent, go to the Writer's Market guide (either online, at a bookstore, or at the library) and look for agents who represent your genre and are taking new clients. Send the query letter to them, along with any other materials they request in their submissions guidelines.

    If you cannot find an agent (you're getting rejections), your work may not be ready yet. If so:

    1. Find a writer's group or go to writer's conferences, where you can share your work and get constructive feedback about how to make it better.

    2. Hire a professional editor to edit your book (they usually charge $1-$2.50 per page). They can tell you where your weak points are.

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