
How do i put a crooked cop behind bars?

by  |  earlier

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sorry i didn't add details at first, but here ya go: the cop used to date my aunt. over the years, i've formed a friendship with his daughter. she told me that he has a tackle box of steroids and needles under his bed, and she also says he beats her and threatens her. i've lost touch with her because he had roid rage and broke her phone. he also leaves little notes in my aunts car overnight and constantly drives by her house, on duty or off. he's a sargeant, and its a small town in mississippi, not a tremendous force, bout 8 cops patrolling during the day and 5 at night, problem is everybody knows everybody round here and i don't know who to trust




  1. Catch them doing something wrong, also how big of a force are we talking about?

  2. YOU don't. Report the problem and let the legal system deal with it.......

  3. you take him to the bar to serve alcohol! TADA! he's behind

  4. You can't,

    they all watch each others backs.

  5. What exactly did the officer do? Did he beat you up? Did he pull you over and give you a ticket for speeding when you were actually speeding? Details usually help when asking questions such as this...

  6. That is very hard to do to many bad cops out there to cover for him.

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