
How do i put more feeling into my dancing??

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How do i put more feeling into my dancing??




  1. Don't care what other people think, when the music is sad make your eyes sad when It's happy smile and pull expressions to the music.  Main key to performikng your feelings is..


  2. i hate when my dance teacher tells me this

    i use face expressions use my body more in the dance and my dance teacher says i fixed it!

  3. It's hard to explain, but I, personally, practice the dance alot, and if there are lyrics, know them well. After a while, it just clicks for me and I don't just know the dance I FEEL it.

    What kind of mood is the dance in?

    Does the actual dancing represent or suggest the feeling of the song? if not, your gonna have a hard time...

    Good Luck!

  4. what i do is try to relate the song to something that i can connect to even if it is not what the song is really about. then you will be able to 'feel' the music more and your performance will come more natural. but always make your emotions seem bigger because everything seems smaller on stage. just dont be affraid of what people are going to think and go for it.

  5. Practice alone at first. Get to know you. Let your emotions come out, by reading, writing, or watching something sad or really happy.

    I know singing might not be the same way as dancing, but when I want my emotion to come out in my singing I always put my mind set in this place that is really sad or happy that goes with the words to the song.

    Good Luck.

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