
How do i put my computer bike on my bike?

by Guest32347  |  earlier

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I reasently bought my first bike computer. the problem i am having is that it didn't come with any instructions on how to set it up. I no that the computer itself gets attached to my handle bar but from their on i have no clue can someone please help me.




  1. It should have come with a bar clamp. If not you might be able to use a hose clamp from a hardware store and you can McGyver it on. Good luck!

  2. What you have hanging down on the wire is the sensor that picks up the rotating magnet which is fixed on a wheel spoke.

    The sensor on the other hand is fixed to the front fork, usually by a cable tie (or you might know them as zip-ties, - available from most hardware stores).  (Cut up an old innertube to place between the sensor and the fork, to prevent rubbing and aid final adjustment)

    It is aligned so that the magnet on the spokes passes close to the sensor and that sends a pulse to the head-unit!

    During set up you will be asked to input your wheel circumference, do this by marking your wheel where it touches the ground, sit on your bike and roll it along until the wheel has made a full revolution. measure this distance and input it in millimeters. (a std 700x23c tyre has a rolling circumference of 2096mm- just to give you an idea).

    Hope this helps mate.

    EDIT: Bar Clamp ??????


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