
How do i put my videos on the computer?

by  |  earlier

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I have a video camra..its prob. like 10 yrs old or something. it has like 3 or 4 places for a plug...but i dont know what they are for. But the main thing is,i need help putting the video camera recordings (its on a mini VHS thing) onto the computer so i can e-mail them to my friends and stuff. How do i put my video camera reacordings onto the computer? PLEASE HELP!!




  1. A VHS-C camcorder will be analog.

    There is no USB or firewire connection. Use the AV cable you normally use to connect the camera directly to a TV. You will need an analog/digital bridge (Pinnacle Dazzle if your computer has only USB; Canopus if your computer has firewire).

    Connect the camcorder to the A/D bridge with the AV cable - connect the A/D bridge to the computer with USB or firewire.

  2. where do i get an AV cord or w/e its called?

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