
How do i put videos on my psp?

by  |  earlier

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I have the old PSP. (Update Version 3.03). I tried to put videos by copy and pasting them to the "Video" folder, but they never showed up. I also tried making a mproot folder or something like that and copying the videos in there and still, they never showed up. I used psp video 9 but when i'm done converting and trying to copy the video, it says the file can't be recognized. Can someone Please help me with STEP by STEP directions, because i fell like i've tried it all and i'm getting kinna frustrated.




  1. i have exactly the same prob but i previously put 12 videos onto the psp using psp video 9 try deleting ur present psp video 9 and downloading it again-only takes 2 minutes

    once done make sure your psp is pluged in to ur computer and open the psp menu. then try another video convert it after that go to library you will see it in local folder. in the bottom right hand corner you will see move to device this will take 2 minutes to do so once done u will the see the videos in the psp menu next to every thing else put them into ur videos folder and they should be there on ur psp -hope this helps :)

  2. You Have to convert  the video format to .MP4

    i use this for my psp videos

    if you still need help feel free to email here

  3. This seems like it is a computer problem.

    Step 1: First how are you copying the videos over to the psp.

    -If you are using a usb cable try checking the cable to make sure that its plugged in all the way and the cable isn't damaged.

    -If you have the memory stick plugged into a card reader check to make sure  the memory stick is inserted all the way. If using an external card reader check that it is connected to the computer properly as well.

    Step 2: Next is to check the amount of memory you have on the memory stick. Make sure you have enough space to place the file.

    This can be done either from the psp or by selecting the memory card from "My computer", right-clicking and selecting  properties.  

    Step 3: After you have confirmed that everything is in order with both the cables and space next is to test if it's just videos not transferring over or everything isn't being transfered. The easiest way is just to pick a small folder with a picture and try to transfer that over.

    Since you have said that you have being using the copy/paste method to transfer the files, try dragging the files to the memory stick.

    Step 4: Make sure the video works and plays on your computer. A couple of video players that play the .mp4 file is winamp, vlc (aka videolan), and quicktime.  If the video doesn't work on your computer it won't work on your psp.

    Step 5: If it doesn't work on your computer try a different video converting software such as xvid4psp and reconvert the video. It can be downloaded at and is free.

    If the video does work on your computer move on to step six.

    Step 6: Once you have determined that its just a video problem  create a folder at the root of your memory stick called MP_ROOT then inside of it make two folders one called 100MNV01 and the other called 100ANV01. The root of your memory stick is the place when you open the memory stick from my computer.  There should be a PSP folder when you open the memory stick from my computer. If you see a PSP folder then you are in the right place.

    -If its just a regular mp4 video place it in 100MNV01 and rename it M4VXXXXX.MP4. If  a .thm  was made rename it to M4VXXXXX.THM. The X's are five random numbers of  anything you like. Just make sure they are the same numbers for both files.

    -If the video you made was an avc mp4 video then place it in the 100ANV01 folder. Rename the mp4 to MAQXXXX.MP4 and the thm to MAQXXXXX.THM. Again the  X's are five random numbers of  anything you like. Just make sure they are the same numbers for both files.

    If this doesn't work go back to step 5 and reconvert the video.

    This final step should only be used if nothing else has worked. Chances are that you won't need to do this step at all. The reason why this is the last step instead of one of the first is that the problem is usually in the way the files are named, is isn't in the right folder or  the video wasn't properly converted.

    Step 7: If nothing is working copy important files from memory stick to your computer (like game saves, system information etc) and reformat the stick.

    To reformat go to system, then system settings,  then "Format memory stick" from the psp.

    Repeat steps 2 through 6 after your done.

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