
How do i.............?

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how do i formally ask my horseback riding trainers i want to start horseshowing




  1. "Hey I was hoping to start doing some showing in the future do you think I might be ready?"

    " I really want to try a show, do you think you could help me?'

    " Is it possible to go to a show? Can we set a date and go?

    "How much would it cost to do a show, If I can afford it, can I do one with you?"

  2. If you are paying the trainer, you should have no problem asking about showing.  After all you are the employer in this deal.  The best approach would be to just ask  your trainers if they think that you are ready for some small shows.

  3. Bring it up.

    Dont be shy.

    Just ask them. if you dont then they may think that your not ready and so it will never happen.

    Go up to them and ask 'I would like to start showing, do you think i could start soon?'

    GOOD LUCK! and have fun and if they say yes. take deep breaths and relax. wish you the best!

  4. Just flat out ask if they think you are ready tos how, they won't be offended or anything. :] I promise.

  5. I asked my trainer if she thought that i was ready to start showing. I told her that i was really interested in showing and would love to have the experience at trying something new. She then knew that i wanted to show and started to give me more knowledge about shows and what to do and what no to do. From there we then started to practice more jumping courses and more flat work, as jumping is basically flat work with obstacles. =) She informed me of up coming shows.

    Good luck, and i hope that your show is goning to be awesome!

  6. I would make sure that you tell your instructors that your ultimate goal is to show, and you would like their opinion on if you are ready to show or not yet.  Let them know you are willing to take their advice on what classes to enter when you start off, and tell them you want to begin as soon as possible.

    They won't get mad, just be honest!

  7. I'd like to start horseshowing. Do you think I'm ready?

    You just need to ask them. If they say no then you just need more practice.

  8. Just flat out ask..."Do you think I'm ready to show?" Don't be offended if they say no...but they might start preparing you for showing.
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