
How do i????????????????

by Guest21451  |  earlier

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fbecome a better CB im gonna be starting highskool in another year so im going to grade 8 im 5'3 5'4 and i weigh around 100-105 pounds im like the fifth fastest in grade 8 and i can cover ppl good but i just needed some tips on how to be a better CB and gaining weight and how to practice please help




  1. Get FASTER. Fifth fastest runner in grade 8 is not enough. You have to want to be the best. Also lift, to gain muscle mass, to gain more weight and get stronger. Practice catching tennis balls, and learn to catch with your hands in a diamond (connect your thumbs, and index fingers together). Get quick feet, and learn to backpedal to watch the QB and use peripheral vision to watch your receiver. Best of luck to you.

  2. jus lift and do wht the coach tells ya.

  3. well just listen to your coach and you can practice by catchin cause need to make interceptions

  4. your size is fine my teams concer was only 4'11" and he picked off 8 passes and he isnt the fastest either, the key thing is knowing where to be and when to be there and if you want to become faster do lunges ask your coach what they are if you don't know

  5. your kinda small for a cb (length wise) i was like 5'9 in 8th grade (im a sophmore) so to make up for your shortness be the 1ST fastest not the 5th get wayy faster and blow everyone away

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