
How do i quick view list friends on 360 blog?

by  |  earlier

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like the link "" i can quick view kienvang030805's page.

Now i want to quick view list friends of him or lasted entry, how do i do? (ex: "




  1. If you want to see his connected friends, then there should be a Friends module on the right side of his Top Page. If there's no friends showing, then he hasn't connected with anyone.

    If you want to see his latest blog entry, that should also be showing on the Top Page (top, center). Click on the "View Blog" or "More" link in the blog box OR click the "Blog" link on the upper left of the page. If you can't see any blog area, then either he hasn't written a blog or you're blocked from viewing it (see for more about permissions or it could because of "mature content" restrictions).

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