
How do i read a girl?

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i want to know if she likes me i know she does but i want to be sure how can i read her body language, or how can i show her i am the man she needs and wants any advice




  1. sad to say, but there is a chance it's been too long and she already thinks of you as "just friends" i think you should seriously think about how much you value the FRIENDSHIP as opposed to your attraction to her.. there is a risk you could damage or even ruin your relationship as it is today, is it worth it? if so, i suggest slowly, slowly, SLOWLY, building up your relationship, you know, giving different types of signals, then, work it up enough to where you are comfortable enough to ask her out!

    I know it wasn't very detailed but without knowing more about your particular situation i can't say much. Do what seems natural, and try to go with the flow  of the relationship to avoid awkwardness

  2. it all depends on the distance at which she usually stays from you.  if she would want to move in closer or vice versa, it is most likely that she likes you....

    deelop a friendship with her by talking first.   keep the conversations light -hearted.   .slowly, she will start feeling comfortable around you.   and then you should start helping her with all her problems..

    it all takes time.  you cannot try and show her right away that you care a lot about her.  it will only backfire.

    she will realise it with time

    well i also agrre with paranoid's answer

  3. with a cup of coffee and don't get to involved.

  4. If she is into you or feels attraction for you, she will be interested and asking questions... but also will be testing you, so do not get sucked to those tests.

  5. Read "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

  6. If she was interested in you, you'd know it.

    If you have to show her that you are the man she needs, she doesn't need you. If you have to show her that you're the man she wants, she doesn't want you.

    If she knows you are interested in her, and has not made a move, she is not interested in you (except as a friend).

    If you decide to make a move anyway, and she rejects you--I don't know. That's up to you, and what you can stand.

    If you think you can continue to be her friend, even though she's not interested in you (and despite the fact that she will eventually be interested in someone else), then do so. But don't be her "friend," all the while trying to change her mind or make her "see reason." If she's not interested in you, she's just not. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it.  

  7. You cannot read women because they are extremely inconsistent and emotionally complex.  Her reasons for showing you affection can number in the hundreds, and can change with a shift of the wind.  

    Trying to "understand" how women work will fail, and will fail miserably.  Do yourself a favor and trust your gut instinct, which will serve you far better than your male intellect.  If you think she likes you, act on it before something changes or she loses interest.

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