
How do i rease a clutch on a motorbike stand for sometime?

by  |  earlier

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How do i rease a clutch on a motorbike stand for sometime?




  1. 1) what does " rease " mean?

    2) what does your question mean?

    3) can you post this in the correct thread?

    4) can you delete this as soon as please?

    5) cant the rider "rease" the cluch them selves?

    6) can you delete your account?

    7) did you need the stand?

    8) did you run into this problem, then start typing this rubbish question? You must off solved the problem by now. If so, why ask it!

    9) are you A.C.F.W.F ?

    10) I guess you are!

  2. You would get a better response in "Cars & Transportation">"Motorcycles", This is "Motorcycle Racing"

  3. start the bike in neutral and hopefully it will throw the clutch out (get the back wheel off the ground first) if not you will have to dismantle the clutch

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