
How do i recharge my home ac?

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How do i recharge my home ac?




  1. Plug it in??

  2. let a pro do it

  3. I agree let a pro do it.There are many heating and ac repair and installation people. Some handymen may be able. A sears repair technition is probably who I would call.

  4. Look for a good A/C  company and have them repair your leak. Then let them  recharge properly. The exact amount of charge is critical for efficiency and for preventing damage to your system. Besides person that handles refrigerants is suppose to be certified.

  5. If you have to ask call a professional.

    Why risk damaging a $2000-$3000 unit to save a 100 bucks. You need a set of gauges anyway. If its an older unit, the general public can't buy freon (R12) any more.

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