
How do i reconvince my parents to let me play WoW again.?

by  |  earlier

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I used to be "addicted to this game." But i have shown them i am responsible and know i have to take it into moderation. Ive taken breaks.. month to couple months and my dad is livid that i want to get it back because he thinks it is a bda thing in my life. My mom on the other hand is trying to convince my dad i will be responsible and willing to do what they say, any tips?.




  1. WoW is crack.  You think you can control it... but you'll end up hardcore raiding for your tier 6 gear in no time.  Then you wont want to leave after 5 hours and your dad says its bedtime and you are like "but dad... we just got to illidan"  once an addict always an addict.  I found it out myself and ive been stuck WoWing for like 3 years now

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