
How do i refrain myself from going on internet sites?

by  |  earlier

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im always on you tube and facebook. I am going to school soon and I do not want to become addicted. please give me some tips on how to refrain myself from going on the computer.




  1. If you have a mobile phone with an alarm feature, use that to set yourself a time to come off.

    Every time you fail to respond quickly to your alarm try to stop from going on your machine for treble the time you went over, the next time you go on.  

    In other words if you type past the alarm by say 6 minutes then next time you only allow yourself to go on after 18 minutes delay.  Write it down and eventually it'll become as habitual as your addiction.  But at least your REAL life will get more of your attention ;))

  2. Develop a little self control.

    Or when you get a job you will not be able to keep it for long.

    It seems employers frown on employees being late for work.

    Ya, worse than being late at school!!

  3. I think once school starts your priorities will come back. You'll find yourself doing these things less and less once you gain more important priorities. Put your focus on school, and you'll find your mind nt persuading you to log onto the internet quite as often.

  4. limit yourself to 1 hour to 1/2 hour and watch your computer's clock display to know when you have reached these limits

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