
How do i regain my dads trust?

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I'm 17 years old and i'm in a bad situation,i was recently caught by the police with weed and alcohol in my friends car. My parents didn't know i was out, i was supposed to be 'at a friends house,'so i got charged with possesion. My best friend for 17 years was in tha back seat with me,and me and her have been getting caught with weed a couple of times.

My dad claims since i was in 8th grade that i never said the truth about where i was going,but hes never had enough proof to actully confront me about it. So now that im caught,my dad lost 100% trust in me,and that hurts me. So now i can't even be left alone at all with out them watching over me like im 5 years old, and i honestly dont blame them.

I need to know how to prove to my parents that im really trying to change,im going to counsling and such but i want to really 'walk to talk' but im not sure how. any suggestions?




  1. Continue to get help for your problems,and if your still in school get better grades and stuff,if not go get a job and keep it.Stay away from so-called friends that continue to get you in trouble,and make some new ones that have fun but stay somber and out of trouble. Gradually your Mom and Dad may start to trust you again,and any time your feeling like going back to your old ways pray about it.God is all of us human,s one true friend,he will be there when know one else really will be understand.

  2. Just take it day by day. Make sure you do not lie to your parents about where you are going, who youre with NOTHING. You HAVE to earn trust, it wont just happen one day.  

  3. We went through this EXACT thing with our daughter... and let me tell you - it is hurting your parents to give up that trust - as much as it is hurting you to lose it.

    The only thing that will work - is time.  You have to prove to them that you're done sneaking out, drinking, smoking weed etc.  The only way to do that is to communicate with them honestly - and do EXACTLY as you say you do.  Call and check in with them - be on time etc.

    Now let me give you a peek at what COULD happen for you.

    As I said - my daughter was doing the exact same things.  The couple of years that she did this - changed her life - and not just with us and the trust issues.  She was raped - she got pregnant (at age 14), with twins, whom she delivered prematurely and they died. My 14 year old daughter had to have a funeral for her two sons because of irresponsible behavior.  She also acquired an STD.  Now she is 20, and has grown out of most of the behavior. :)  And she worked hard to rebuild her relationship with us.  

    Please please be careful of the choices that you make - you may not see the long term consequences NOW.

    Good luck!!!!

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