
How do i remove coffee ground stains from my fabric purse??

by  |  earlier

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I work at a coffee shop and while walking to work my white/tan D&B purse rubbed against my apron. The dry coffee grounds are rubbed into the fabric of my purse and I would like to know how to remove the grounds without destroying the fabric or causing more wreckage. HELP please?




  1. Depending on the type of fabric your purse is made of you can put it in the washer with Oxy-Clean as the detergent. Or, if you can hand soak, make a paste of the Oxy-Clean, rub it directly on the offensive stain leave it sit then soak it in a bucket for as long as you feel is safe. As usual, follow the directions on the container.

  2. You were wearing your dirty apron TO work?? I always take off the apron and put it in a plastic bag to carry it home to wash, then back into the bag clean to carry it to work!!

    Use an upholstry foam cleaner to try to get the coffee stains off your purse. Or you could take it to the dry cleaners and have it cleaned. Just tell them what you got on it.

  3. Make a solution of bicarbonate of soda (half a teaspoon), a couple of drops of white vinegar and a little warm water.... now here's the trick.... dab, dab, dry/dab,dab,dry ! ..... really, using a soft cloth which has been placed in the solution and then squeezed till it's just a little damp - then you dab with this cloth a couple of times, then dab with a dry cloth, then dab again with the moist cloth dipped in solution, then dab witha dry cloth ..... continue doing this until the stain is really faint .... then dab and dry with plain water only .... I promise you the staine will just lift out! ....


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