
How do i remove ear mites from ferrets.

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She is 13 weeks old. white albino with bright red eyes.




  1. I have had the same problem I went to my vet and they gave me Canural ear drops which are usually for cats and dogs and they worked fine, The drops can be bought in shops so work out cheaper than at the vets

    Also I was told if a product is safe for cats then it is ok to use on ferrets

  2. I own five ferrets and i rescue ferrets. I have had to deal with earmites twice now.

    You have to take them to the vet and had a swab done. The most expencive part about it is the office visit it's self. They will most likely tell you to clean the ears and keep them very clean. They may give you a wash you have to use every day and then a medicine. However there is a medicine they can give them once and then a second dose in a week or two.  Or the third way, which most ferret owners i know say is best, is to have the ferret treated with revolution which will kill the mites, fleas, and heart worm.

    Whatever path you choose your ferret will need to see a vet and have a swab done. Good luck.

  3. Go to a vet and get some meds for her.

  4. My vet gave me Otomite Plus for my ferret. It worked wonderful. Plus it was not that expensive.  

  5. The first thing I do to cure this condition is fill the ear canal with mineral oil and agitate it vigorously in the canal with a bulb syringe. At the same time I massage the ear canal from the outside. This loosens and brings up large amounts of blackish earwax. Then I moisten a blunted wooden toothpick and wrap cotton around the tip drawing it out to a point to make a very small , soft-ended Q-tip. Slowly rotating the Q-tip deep into the canal I remove residual wax. Then I generally instill a drop of undiluted permethrin dip (Permectrin II, Boehringer-Ingelheim) placed undiluted deep into the ear canal with a plastic pipette. This is effective in killing all the mites that are present. I suggest that you take your ferret to an animal hospital and not attempt to clean deep within the ear at home. If you can not do this, then forgo using the Q-tip at home because you can easily hurt the pet.

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