
How do i remove nails from cement?

by  |  earlier

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i have removed the carpet, pad and carpet tacks and now i have nails sticking out of the cement.... a few have come out but they break away the cement around them, i tried to hammer them in, doesnt work. what should i do? cheaper the better - thanks




  1. A cheap grinder with a metal cutting blade.  Zap those nails like swiss cheese.

  2. No cheap way around this-- you gotta recement the areas where the nails don't just fall out. REMEMBER THE NAILS ARE CEMENTED IN!!! Good luck with getting them out without the cement breaking away and you thinking you gonna save some money.

  3. Get a grinder and grind them flush to the floor.

  4. The nails are partly sticking in the cement.  You can pull each one out come what may or take a flat shovel and scoop it on the floor to catch the heads and break them out or take an angle grinder and grind the nails off if they are big cement nails.  Or combine all tatics.  Either  case the concrete will not be perfect after the operation.  You may have to recover the floor again to get something acceptable..

  5. thats almost impossible without completely taking out the cement that the nail was put in.

  6. I would get a side grinder and cut them flush with the floor. Get some grout to patch the ones that broke out some concrete when they came out. Make sure the hole is damp before you add the grout (damp, not wet meaning no puddles of water).

  7. hit the nail to the side and they should break off but may leave a hole there.Get a cencrete filler and mix a small amount to fill the holes.

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