
How do i reply to this in french? comment dit-on' tall en francias?

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How do i reply to this in french? comment dit-on' tall en francias?




  1. well, you got some misspelling. . . are you trying to ask how does one say "tall" in French?That's the only sense i can make of it.

    On se dit grand ou grande!

  2. Grand-Masculin


  3. First, "comment dit-on" means "how do you say...?".

    "tall" is an English word.

    "en francais" means in french.

    So the question is, "How do you say tall in French?"

    The French word for tall is grand, or grande depending on if the subject is feminine or masculine.

    Hope this helps you out in the future. :]

  4. the adjective tall means grand / grande / grands / grandes... depends on the subject!

    hope it's gonna help you!

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