
How do i reply to this???

by  |  earlier

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ok im going to be straight up wit you on how i feel about you

so here it goes:i think your prettyyyyyyyy,you seem to have a really nice personality, you have a piece of mind,and you seem smart and i like it when girls make me think=]




  1. Answer him in his own words,

    U have the looks, the personality, the assets, but I am looking for something deeper, do u have it...

    for one, I am looking for commitement

    I need lot of space and time to think, I do not like it if my guy pushes me too hard, or overwhelms me.......

  2. When he says you have a piece of mind he means you have a piece of *** and by "i like it when girls make me think" hes saying "i like it when girls play hard to get", and he thinks ur hot. The personality trick is something hes saying to get you to think he cares.

  3. answer:

    think harder

  4. Do you like this guy, like is there a chance of a relationship from it? It's a bit confusing because if it was some random guy then i'd tell you to tell him to bugger off, but if you like him...

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