
How do i respond to my flatmate?

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How am i supposed to respond to my flatmate when she tells me that i should NEVER have children because I don't like being woken up at 4am by my bloody cat?

This woman is constantly telling me in a very subtle "I'm older than you, so I know everything" kinda way how inadequate I am at everything and shooting down everything thought and idea i have.




  1. well shes not the one that's going to be raising your kids when or if you do have them . so when that time comes just prove to her that you can handle the situation yourself . just ignore what she says until the point and time .

  2. If you do not like getting up at 4 A.M. because of a cat hon, you are going to like staying home less andup all night with a sick kid much less.Your going to like less the fact when you have a new born that you WILL get up every 2 hrs. to feed and change it for several months until he/she starts sleeping through the night.

    A child is not a cute little puppy you pass around to your friends while they "oooooh and aaah" over it, then tie it up in the back yard,feed and water it once a day and go do your own thing.A baby is a human being YOU will be resoinsible for 24-7 until they are n adult.

  3. Just try to ignore her thoughtless comments and let them make you that much more determined to save up to move out. Home is supposed to be comfy and the place we can go to relax and be safe and content...if your home life isn't satisfactory because you have a roommate you have issues with, it'll afffect other aspects of your life over time.

    You might also want to mention to her that you hope she doesn't take the attitude she has towards you, toward her children or they'll never have any self esteem or confidence to try anything. Most people respond better to encouragement and positive critique, not negativity and being told how worthless they are (very few take that as a challenge and better themselves from it). After a while, some start to believe it and lose whatever potential they might have had (or at least misplace it until a day comes that they find confidence in themselves).

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