
How do i run faster in three days???

by  |  earlier

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I am a 13 yr old girl

height : 5ft 7

weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs

i am not a fast runner but i do want to make it into the 400m finals

what can i do to help me run faster??

like excercises or smthin




  1. Caffeine, enough carbs, enough water. But that's just for before the race.

  2. THREE DAYS!!!!! No way! The speed clinic I am taking is 2 and 1/2 months!

  3. 1) Spikes

    2) FOCUS

    3) don't hurt yourself before/during the races

  4. just run

    run mor and more

    and u will grow use 2 it

    and sooner or later

    u will get faster

    u should hav though about this a lil bit ahead of tim

    good luck!

  5. dk i don't think you will run faster in there days it takes me like a year to get faster

  6. get liposuction and go to for it

    or else...

    get roids!!!!

  7. Any extra efforts now will hinder your performance.  Light exercise and stretching will help your body rest up for maximum performance.  When you get to the race just do your best and see what happens.

    Note: never change anything on race-day.  Wear the same shoes that you always wear.  Don't drink Red Bull if you don't always drink a Red Bull, etc.

  8. Get a big dog to chase you.

  9. Not in 3 days, 3 weeks is a start, 3 months should have you well on your way. Have yourself a bannana for energy and get good sleep the night before. Then if you really want to get this track thing going for you, you'll need to take your training more seriously.

  10. 3 days isnt enough time but drink energy drinks b4 the day u need to do this!!!!!!!!!!

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