
How do i run spell check on a resume I have created and stored in my hotjobs account/??

by  |  earlier

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  1. If you have Microsoft works with word processor

    you could go to your resume stored in hot jobs and just left click on your cursor holding it down while running it across your resume , when all your going to copy turns blue right click on your mouse and click copy. Proceed to open Microsoft works word processor and right click then hit paste . At the top hit abc spell check and make corrections as misspelled words come up. When done repeat process copy then return to hotjobs resume . Right click on your curser holding it down and stop at the end of your resume release cursor button then hit delete button . Then move to where you want the resume to begin , hit left click then right click , then click paste and your done. Sorry for such a run on answer but that is one way to get the job done. I haven't used the hotjobs account but this would work.

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