
How do i run two computers through the same internet connection?

by  |  earlier

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we have one computer running on dial up. I dont think this computer has modem. I have set up another compuet in a separte room of the house and ran a connecting pone line to the already existing phone line to the other computer that i have just set up. When i plug this in, its still doesnt work. DO i need a modem for this one and how do i gt it to work? i hvae no idea??




  1. Where did you plug the second one it?   If you plugged it in the back of the other computer then that jack is cut off when using the other computer - like a phone would be, which is what it is intended for.

      You want a standard phone line splitter to connect the second computer to the phone line and you can't use the two computers at the same time.

      We had two phone lines for quite a while and when we got DSL we quickly discovered that we could get rid of the second line because we didn't talk that much and DSL let us connect up to 4 computers at the same time (sharing the download speed) through the router and went much faster.  A router is a miniature computer device that sits on network connections and decides where stuff goes based on data in the communications.   One is normally provided for free when you sign up for DSL (and is required for Cable) although there might be a fee if you want a bigger router (4 instead of 2) or include wireless access.

  2. If you have a computer running on dial up - by definition it has a modem. (a real old time dialing modem, not a DSL or cable modem)

    You cannot have 2 computers using the same dial up phone line at the same time. It is the same as 2 people trying to talk to 2 different numbers at the same time. It don't work!!

    If you want multiple computers accessing the Internet at the same time, you have 2 choices:

    get a broadband connection (cable or DSL) and a router.

    get a second phone line

  3. Simple answer is that you need a router. There is no miracle cure that will save you having to buy this piece of equipment. Unless of course you buy a second modem which rarely works, is more expensive, and divides your connection into two. So get a router. If you want you can buy a wireless router and you won't even need to connect your other computer with a wire you'll only need a wireless adapter than can pick up the signal.

    I would recommend going to your nearest computer store (Radioshack, Bestbuy, Target, etc.) and asking about them if you don't know too much, but thats what you need.

  4. Well u only need to purchase a modem if your dealing with something like DSL or Cable internet ...

    for dialup u should be good if u install whatever CD that came with ur ISP (ie, the American Online CD that you got in the mail ... w/e) if a problem persists u can call the company or visit their website for troubleshooting

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