
How do i save a video that i have opened on Media player?

by  |  earlier

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I have a link on the internet that opens the video on windows media player and i want to save it on my computer




  1. Right click on that link and click on "Save target as..." option you must get a saving dialog box.

    If it doesn't save then there are lots of ways to capture manually or you can check your Temporary Internet Files folder and the temp folder also!. But the best way is to download the latest Internet Download Manager software from It can capture and save you tube videos (.flv) any file format. If you think that you will save manually without using the software then Holding 'Alt' will not make the Internet Download Manager to show the save dialog of it own, you will get Internet Browser Dialog.

  2. Well if it's opening in wmp then it's an wmv so all you should have to do is go to the file menu on wmp and select save as. If IE opens and you see wmp embedded in the web page then you'll need something else to capture it. If it were a flash video which most are these days because they have a very small memory foot print, you could use firefox and the video download helper plugin.

  3. you have to find a link on the page that allows you to download the movie.

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