
How do i save files from a dvd onto my computer?

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How do i save files from a dvd onto my computer?




  1. use dvd copy software

    or use power iso n make whole dvd backup using it

  2. - Open the DVD in windows explorer

    - Select the file(s) that you want to copy

    - Right Click

    - Click copy

    - Go to directory where you want to save the file

    - Right Click

    - Click paste

    Done and done

  3. go to my computer right click on the disc drive and go to explore now just select all or what ever you want and drag it into the new location you wish it to be or you can right click on the file and select copy and then right click and paster where ever you want it to be.

  4. You need the appropriate software.A good programme is called imgburn it is free to download and easy to use.

  5. When you have opened the file from the dvd, you click on the 'save as' button on the 'file' drop down menu.

    It will them ask you a specific place to save it.  This is when you choose desktop, or another folder of your choosing on your computer.

    It's not too difficult.  You'll do fine!  Copy/paste does not always work.  So this way would be the best way to do it/learn to do it.  And some 'read only' files will allow you to save a copy as well.  However, your changes will only be on the copy, not the original document.

    Good luck!

  6. Copy and Paste

    But if it is only a read only DVD

    you can't

  7. have you tried copy and paste?

    if it's a film dvd you need some sort of dvd ripper application.

  8. open it with my computer drag and drop the two folders video_ts and audio_ts to ur desktop

  9. Files? Or a movie?

  10. By this do you mean copy a DVD movie to your PC? If so, I hope you are making legal backup copies of DVDs you own..... You will need a decrypting software, available from etc. and this will rip the files from the disc on to your hard disc.

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