
How do i say goodbye to..?

by  |  earlier

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those ugly love handles.. and exercises or things that are proven to work?




  1. you look them straight in the fat...and you take a good long breath and finally say...I love you! I can't live without you! I....wait what are we talking about???Oh wait...just drink a bunch of water(seriouly like a gallon per hour,also helps with acne),stop the junk food and eat vegies and fruits(no meat!unless it is fish or 1 egg),walk briskly about for 15 minutes then regular until you reach 1 hour,and do some situps like 100 per day.You are very Welcome for me curing your weight problems.

  2. hah i love you, before i got pregnant, all i worried about was getting rid of my muffin tops,

    but babe, you cant,

    trust me, ive tried everything.  

  3. Trust me you can get rid of those love handles. Try running on the treadmill or doing crunches about an hour a day. Don't pay attention at your love handles every day because it wont seem like your making progress. Look about every to 2 weeks to see if you are making progress. If this doesnt help try searching it online.

    Hope I Helped!


  4. you can tone them by doing cardio and things like crunches and sit ups. the love handles may be slimmer, but if it is your hips that are wide (like me), there isn't too much you can do to change it.

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