
How do i say my abcs?

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how do i say my A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Zs???




  1. ok say it to the beat of twinkle twinkle little star like abcd,efg,hijk,(say fast)lmnop,(reg agina) qrstuv,(slow)wxy and z now i know my abcs next time wont u sing with me (everyime its and , pause for 2 secs)

  2. Just say those words out loud, in the melody of twinkle twinkle little star. Thanx for the 2 points :)

  3. aye, bee, see, dee, eee, eff, gee, aich, eye, jay, kay, ell, em, en, oh, pee, kew, arr, ess, tee, yu, vee, double u, ex, wy, zed.

    If you're Australian, that's how we're meant to say it.

    Note especially aich, not haich, and zed, not zee.

    Another interesting fact is that the melody to sing ABC to, is 'Twinkle Twinkle Little star' which is the same melody as 'Ba Ba Black Sheep'. At the end, we used to finish with: 'Now I know my ABC, next time won't you sing with me', but that doesn't rhyme any more so my kids sing: 'Now I know my ABC, now this song is stuck in my head'.
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