
How do i sell products on ebay????

by  |  earlier

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Im trying to raise money for a nintendo wii and im trying to sell some of my stuff on ebay......can you tell me how to sell them on ebay??




  1. First, you will need a debit/credit card to verify who you are. You also need a Paypal PREMEIR Account to accept payments. After that simply go through Ebay's step-by-step process. First, you will need to pick the most relevant category for your item. Then you will need to create a description and and upload some good images. For the description you don't need anything fancy. I sometimes just use basic text. Just as long as people know what they are getting. For the pricing, I would suggest you start your bidding off at $1 to attract more bidders. Buy It Now costs a lot more, especially for higher priced items. As far as time goes, I would suggest you list the item for 5 days to collect more watchers/bidder. I normally like to list my items about 4:00 on Sunday so it ends on Friday when most people are home and have money. If you decide to sell on Ebay full-time, you can download Dave Espino's Wholesale List for free from my website to find a steady supplier.

  2. Im going to assume you have an account on ebay. But if you only have a basic account then you will need to upgrade to a sellers account which requires you to enter more detailed information than a normal account and once you have a seller account its really quite simple. Just click the "Sell" tab at the top right and follow the instructions.

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