
How do i serve a bullet serve in volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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ok tryouts already happened, but i'm pretty sure i will make it and i saw some girls who play club a lot serve super-serves and i want to know how i can serve like that too

my serves are pretty straight and i can control them well.




  1. to do a bullet serve or any hard serve you need to toss the ball high and make sure you come down on top of it on a normal serve you try to contact the ball in the middle but on a hard serve you snap your rist more to come down on the ball but remember it still has to go all the way over the net as soon as you get confortable with it, it will get easier dont give up right away try it over and over again  i know it sounds weird but try it works

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you make the team

  2. well it all depends on how far you stand on the our of bounds line. i usually almost stand all the way back to the wall. not to brag but my serves at hard. i got called a cannon arm because of my serves. and yeah. so if u are standing farther back off the out of bounds line u may want to try to stand closer and see if u hit harder. or just keep putting a lil more power behind ur serve in practice and stuff

  3. The key point of doing bullet serve is to

    1> Make your palm a curved shape that could have better contact (thus better control) to the ball

    2>swing hard to transfer all your strength from your waist, upper body, arm, wrist... to the ball.

    3> follow through after contact

    4> make sure you have generated topspin on the ball so that it goes fast and "heavy".

    If you can mix that with your floater serve your opponent would be confused big time.

  4. Practice and arm strength.

    But to be perfectly honest, the "hard" serves are easy to return - it's the floaters and directed serves that are more difficult.  If you can place your serve, that is definitely much better than hitting the ball hard.

    A hard serve does half of the work for the receiver - all the passer has to do is allow it to hit their arms.

  5. My instructor (Pat Powers) taught me how to serve really well and hard. This is what he told me to do:

    Start with a nice and high toss and step into your serves for added power. Now, DO NOT follow through your serve and do not let your serving arm cross to the other side of your body after serving. That will loose ball control. Instead of your arm following all the way through, have your hand snap back to an upright position after contacting the ball on a serve. If done correctly, that will put a spin on your serve and make it hard to return. Don't forget to serve the ball with the heel of your have for more added power. ;D

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