
How do i set up a server?

by Guest58463  |  earlier

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I want to be able to set up a server and use any of my other 3 computers to just go in and pull out files from the server only, and not have to go into the shared folder and c**p, i would like it to be setup just like if the server acted like a 2nd harddrive, how would i do this? thanks




  1. Buy a computer that is capable of running server software. Install large capacity HDD's into the box. Install Network interface cards. RAM and then install the server software.

    Hardware wise I run a dual CPU Pentium III with 1Gig of RAM with Windows 2003. It is enough for RRAS and File Services to run extremely well. Also runs DNS and DHCP services. If you run dual CPU's you have to get CPU's that are within 1 Stepping increment of each other. Specify that they are for dual CPU implementation. I also run ASUS system boards for all the computers I build. Take a l*****g and keep on ticking.

    Setting up Windows 2003 Server I would get a book and do some research. To do it properly is difficult, that is why they pay techs to certify.


  2. Just get a NAS (network attached storage) unit. They are easy to setup, easy to use, and share files, videos, etc with no problems!  You can even "build" your own with an old cheap no longer used machine - check out

    Or get one link the Linksys NSLU2 which is a attaches a USB attached drive direct to the network!

  3. Set up a workgroup; all 4 computers must have the same workgroup name.

    Enable file sharing and enable other network users to modify the contents.

    Share the hard drive on the server and give it a name for the workgroup.

    Your other computers should be able to see the server's drive and use it like any other drive.

    You didn't mention if all your computers are the same operating system.  If they're all windows, but some are vista and some are xp, you may need to load Link Layer Topology Discovery on the xp machines.

    There are several articles on the website that can help, or you can try reposting with more specific info.


    Vista networking:

    Vista file sharing:

    XP file sharing:

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