
How do i set up my lap top so i can check my Email while traveling ?

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How do i set up my lap top so i can check my Email while traveling ?




  1. if you have an express card slot, u r lucky. if not, u have to hunt for a wi-fi hotspot. no other choice.

    why not get a blackberry?  

  2. Several options


    - dialup. Some ISPs include a dialup account with your DSL service, like AT&T

    - public wifi, like at public libraries, coffee shops or some airports


    - a wireless cellular card for you laptop, but this comes with another monthy fee

    And it's a lot easier if you use webmail, like GMail or YahooMail.

  3. If you're talking about personal email, you simply need a wireless connection (either a Wifi hotspot or a cellular modem and data plan).  Once you have a connection, it's the same process as checking at home.

    If it's a business email account, you will also likely need to be part of the business' VPN or use a web-based client if it's available.  Contact someone in your I/T department for how to set that up.

  4. Technology-

  5. You will have to buy an internet card from companies like Sprint, cingular, verzion wireless if your laptop has an express card

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