
How do i setup a 10 gallon tank for a dwarf puffer fish?

by  |  earlier

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  1. First of all you get all the decorations and gravel setup. Then you fill it with slightly  brackish water and let it sit for 7 days so benificial bacteria will build that helps the fish then you drip aclimate the fish for about 5 minuts. Warning you can not put them with any other fish their jaws are capable of ripping chunks out of other fish.

  2. i believe that  dp's are fw not brakish

  3. you have already found out from your previous question that 10 gallons is not enough

  4. Dwarf puffers are very territorial so get something for them to hide in just in case that they feel threatened. Something like caves scattered across the tank will do. Also they are very aggressive even with their own species sometimes so you will need plants to break their line of sight in order to help cut down on them being territorial towards each other. The most important thing is though that you do want ALOT of plants for another reason which is that plants give them an interesting habitat which will keep them entertained and not swimming up and down on the glass.

    Good Luck!

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