
How do i s*x painted and map turtles?

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I have 2 painted and one map do i tell if they are boys or girls?? and 2of them a re reallly small so would i have to wait to see if they were boys or girls till they are older??

and if you guys have any pics of like a boy and a girl so i could actuall SEE the differences??




  1. You are right. You must have an adult to determine the s*x of a turtle safely. With your adult painted turtle, look at the claws. Are the front claws significantly longer than the rear claws? If so, you have a male. If there is any doubt as to which are longer, you have a female.

    With any turtle, look at the underside of the tail and find the vent. With the tail held straight back, if the vent is under the carapace (upper shell), you have either a female or an immature male. If it is beyond the carapace, you have a mature male

  2. Ask them

  3. Go to this-

    Then find the kind of map turtle and painted turtles you have and then on the care sheets for them it will tell you how to s*x them.

  4. Ensure that the turtle is an adult. It is very difficult to identify the gender of young Southern Painted Turtles.

    Step2Identify the size of the Southern Painted Turtle. The adult female is approximately 5 1/2 inches to 7 inches. The adult male is approximately 3 1/2 inches to 5 inches.

    Step3Inspect the front claws of the turtle. The female front claws are short and very strong. They are used to dig a nest to lay her eggs. The male claws are longer and aids him in mating.

    Step4Look at the shell of the turtle near where the tail comes out. The female shell is straight. The male shell is concave or curved where the tail comes out.

    Step5The tail will also show you gender differences. The cloaca, or opening in the tail, is located near the body of the female. The cloaca is located further down the tail on the male. The male also has a fatter, longer tail.

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