
How do i shave at 13 so i kind of grow a beard?

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Hi i sometimes see like 16 year old boys with beards already, im 13 and how would i go about growing a beard quick? If i shave will it grow faster? Oh and also would i have to use shaving cream because i dont have any but my dad does and he would get pissed if i used it.




  1. You can't speed it up. It'll grow when it grows. Personally, I think guys under 16 with beards look pretty ridiculous. Be glad, it's less work.

  2. Shaving will not make you grow a beard. Some boys develop thick facial hair by the time they're your age, some by the time they're in their late teens, some not until they're in their 20s or 30s, and some never at all. If you want to know when you'll get a beard, ask your dad and uncles if you have any when they started needing to shave. Chances are you'll start at about the same time.

  3. DUDE DONT DO IT! thats a horrible idea, ya sure growning a beard looks like so much fun now, but when ur 17 and have to shave everyday to look respectable ul regret it, believe me i did it.  

  4. It's not how you shave, it's how the hair grows. It's different for everyone. Honestly, I know people that had full beards as a freshmen. I'm 18 and a high school senior and I am still not able to grow one.

    Luck of the draw

  5. dude don't worry you'll get one soon enough

  6. you dont need shaving cream, a lot of soap would do it but you would cut yourself now and then. use a dry razor and shave really close. don't do it too early though, it might seem good at first to be growing a beard, but its a pain in the **** doing it all the time.

  7. What you should do?  


    If you have facial hair, then you wait for it to grow.  If you don't have facial hair, then you wait until you start getting some to grow.  

    Soon enough you'll get to experience the facial itch known as daily shaving.

    (And if you still are not satisfied, I believe the 2nd Jackass movie had another way to get a real hair beard, but I don't want to ruin it for you.)

  8. first of all, why do you want a beard?  to make you look cool? because, i'm a girl and I hate beards! - so scratchy and unkempt looking.

    but... if you really want to...

    go to the dollar store and buy shaving cream there and buy some razors.  if you shave where you have thin blond hair, it will grow thicker and darker, giving you a beard.  don't shave every day - but once in 2-3 days.

    without shaving cream you will get nasty bumps and cuts. be careful with the razor.

  9. If you shave, your beard won't grow any faster. It just gives the appearance of thicker hair, because your facial hair is thicker at the base.

    You will grow a beard when your body is ready for you to grow a beard.

    Don't worry so much about this kind of thing. There is plenty of other things to worry about at your age.  

  10. You wont be able to grow a beard until your body is ready to. Shaving will not make you grow a beard faster. It will make the hair diameter a little thicker but not enough to notice. I could not grow a beard until senior year in high school and it was blond. Now at 23 I can grow full beard and I long for the days when I could walk out of the house without shaving. You will grow up fast enough, no need to rush it.  

  11. shave in the shower its better than shaving cream

  12. na man some ppl just go through changes earlier then others..there aint nothin u can do about when u start growin a beard..but once u start growin one then YOU are prolly done growin  

  13. If you shave it's not going to grow you a beard. The reason why certain people get them before others is because of their genes. Some gene's allow the body to mature faster then others in certain people. The only way you will get a beard is if you just wait for it to grow in. Some people start growing beards at 12 or 13 and others can start at 20. I've had a beard since I was 14, I'm 16 now and I have friends that are in their 20's and still can't grow one.

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