
How do i ship a complete bike for cheap.?

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i want to ship a bmx bike 30 pounds, but the cheapest i found was 80 dollars.

what packaging can i use to make it cheaper? would usps let me make my own pakaging? what are some good ideas to ship cheap. gimme all you got on shipping bmx's




  1. It's not the weight that is of concern, it is the sheer volume of the package. Even if it is broken down, the frame itself is oversized. If you have access to rail then try Amtrack. Only if they have a direct route, to make it simple. You can even try Greyhound. They usually are bit cheaper than USPS. But there is no guarantee.

  2. Ha, your lucky to get quotd 80 dollars, thats cheaper then I expecting.

    To ship a bike full should be more then that, I would take that deal actually, it doesnt get much cheaper to ship a whole bike.

    Btw, how long are we talking here? Across the country?

  3. UShip is worth a try if you're not in a hurry:

  4. You can use your own box.  The smaller the cheaper, disassemble the bike as much as possible to pack it in.  I just shipped a 61cm Colnago Super for 45 bucks by FedEx.  I use DHL too sometimes last time I just shipped a frame and it was 25 with DHL.  The only time I have used UPS for a bike the mangled the rear triangle.  They stated that sometimes big packages get caught in their high speed conveyors so that one time was the last time.  

    Bottom line repack the bike to get it in as small as box as possible this will cut down on the cost!!!  Stay away from UPS and USPS they tend to charge the most.

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