
How do i shoulder flip a fat guy please answer quick in fight in 2 hrs?

by  |  earlier

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i no how to flip bt not a fat guy




  1. I would push him and jump all over him until he throws up... or just avoid it

  2. Throwing (or flipping as you say) a fat guy is difficult and can make you end up in an inferior position. You have to be careful. Be conservative and wait for the mistake.

  3. Don't you know?  "Nothing moves da Blob!"

  4. you have to adapt your fighting style to different people...

    you cant always use certain moves...

    great fighters can defeat a vast amount of different styles of opponents - some people are only good at the style they practice...

    if the guys to fat to shoulderflip then use sweeps, either way he ends up flat on his back and your still standing up...

    if you feel you simply must shoulderflip him then your going to have to be fast and drive in hard - and hope the extra momentum aides you where you feel you may lack in physical strength... this could sacrifice your form tho and take you to the ground too - just be prepared for it not to work and have a back up plan lol

  5. Be a fatter guy?

  6. forget the shoulder flip, just do front kicks to his core and be elusive if he charges you.

  7. Do you really wanna injure someone and go to jail?

    Or do you mean you have a sports match.. that sounds fun. I hate injury, but have fun!

  8. the key to any throw is in the setup. wait til his momentum is already moving forward. get your hips under his and lift him with your legs (which is much easier because he is already moving) ...JU (as in judo, jujutsu) means to yeild. in other words do not try to stop his momentum, use it to your advantage. once you have your hips under his and he is "loaded" you have to grab him in some way, arm around his waste, or head, or opposite arm, just lift him slightly and bow. pulling his upper body down as you lift his hips up, and with his forward momentum he should flip over.

    i would be interested in knowing why you want to flip a fat guy though.

    a throw is never something i look for, if it happens it happens, but i don't go looking for a specific technique. it is too distracting and you miss too many other opportunities.

  9. just punch him in the throat

  10. u mean a hip toss?

    can u give more details?is it in the ring or out in the streets?

    how fat is he ?if hes more than 300 then your in the s***s

  11. feint: pretend to try to shoulder flip him and then at the last second drive your knee into his nuts

  12. You can do an ippon seio nage, but remember to make sure your feet is aligned properly and stable (in order to maintain balance). Make sure as you go in for the throw there is little or no gap between you and your opponent's body. As you're going in for the throw pull hard with your left hand, and make sure that right arm is well in his armpits to avoid any counters.

    As you attempt to flip him make sure you're using your whole body's weight to pull him down, so you need to pull his arm until you reach the ground with your knees.

    Provided below is a link just in case you need it.

    Have fun throwing!!

  13. Questions like these make me want to stop using this board.  I don't want to contribute to people taking bits and pieces of martial arts and using them to bully the untrained.

  14. it is against the law to fight,  don't do it.

    but if you find yourself trying to defend yourself,

    the guy must be throwing a punch, you grab his arm in two places, the forearm, and under the shoulder area turn your back to him in one motion and bend over pulling him over your side./ your hip

  15. well I guess u already had your fight hope u were able to flip the fat guy. Maybe u should stomp on his toes to take his mind off his situation and then u can try to grab him by the head if not too big lean in and grunt while u pull on his head and lift. Buy the way I'm a lady so I don't know if this helps

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