
How do i show the coaches i really want to be in volleyball?

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How do i show the coaches i really want to be in volleyball?




  1. Work your best...I really wanted to Start in Volleyball....And so i tried my best every day..Dont complain...Just do it...thats wat i did and i finally started...But yea just Work your Best


  2. its ALL about the effort. even if you cant do some skill or drill, if you SHOW them that you are working hard, they'll realize how much you want it. And after a while all that effort will pay off and you'll be AMAZING! do some drills on ur own or with a friend. dont be afraid to succeed! the coaches will recognize how hard you are working by seeing how much you have improved!

  3. You shouldn't have to ask....but do ur best and forget the rest!!Don't worry about how much better the person

    is next  to ya!!!

  4. You could show that you really want to be on the volleyball team by working really hard. You could try showing different plays that would impress the coach or coaches when they are watching you play. Make sure you pay attention when you are given certain instructions. And never let a coach catch you talking or being off task. You should also talk to the head coaches. you know act friendly so they remember you. Then you should start telling them how much you love volleyball and how you are dedicated to it. Hope this helped.

  5. I know this kinda sounds dumb but dress the part. Don't go with a soccer t shirt on and basketball shorts wear a volleyball shirt and volleyball spandex. Work extra hard! Don't ever give up and don't EVER say you can't or won't do anything! Go early and stay after and practice! They'll really notice you if you are!! Any time you have free time at practice work on something like start doing sit ups or work on your approach.

  6. ya like everyone else said...just try you hardest no matter what. it doesnt matter if you miss every hit and pass just show the coaches that you are trying your best....dont act all tired and stuff. good luck

  7. you have to practice hard and not be lazy during the try-outs and team practices, show them that you're competitive because my coaches hated if nobody went after the ball or even made a motion for it you need to get out there and dive after every ball that comes your way you can't just stand there. you need to have some type of clue what your doing too, do training prior to try-outs. coaches consider people a lot more when they've had experience playing on other teams or have played for a long time. you have to be what my coaches call "coachable" you can't argue with them on something and if they tell you to do something different or better don't fight back just do it that tells them "oh this person wants to listen and will cooperate" don't get cocky and show off like you're the best player they've ever seen not just coaches hate that other players hate it too it gets old fast, be yourself and play your best. don't get frustrated after a few things, i'm naturally a perfectionist so when something doesn't happen the way i plan i usually get kind of angry, the coaches liked the aggression but you have to bring it down, it almost kept me off the team and its one of the biggest things i've learned from. don't beat yourself up over things say "aw c**p  i did it again" turn around and don't do it next time. hope this helps and you make the team and if not try again next time.

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