
How do i snap out of this depression and start tp take care of myself?

by Guest62741  |  earlier

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I dont know but i was never like this.. I used to LOve shopping, going out with my bf..Over the years ive lost weight and you might think thats good but i would like to be a lil thick not fat...just so i look nice in my clothes...I dint even have the interest to get my hair done...Things are just like ..Blah...i go to collge and from there i come home...i never go out..unless for school or other matters..ive had people tell me some negative things in the past which im not sure have scarred me emotionally..I just feel lost and i have ZERO feelings for lots of thigs..This is NOT!




  1. Perhaps you had better see a Doctor.

  2. obviously, it is you "right now".  is there a counselor or therapist you can see?  maybe a free resource so you don't have to spend money you may not have. you have to get to the root of your depression so you can work on being your old self again.  you mentioned things in the past.  sometimes it is very hard to let go of the past especially if it affected you deeply.  you will see the light, but you do need to seek an outside person who is impartial and does not know you so you can talk and get things to the surface.  good luck.

  3. You don't snap out of it. I have seen many people get rid of depression but it took them time and work.

    Also, you must accept the possibility that it may be a lifelong deal, too. Fortunately, it can be controled through meds.

    I have also been hearing a lot of good things about St. John's Wort and 5-HTP nutritional supplements if you don't have access to a doctor.  

  4. Let me be the first to tell you that I know its not easy. first of all I'm only 15 and i have had depression and it STINKS. All i know is that i had to keep my head up and keep my heart strong. If people see that you are weak and depressed they will definitely take advantage, so don't let it show. The best thing that I did was just go home and have a really good cry cuz i just wanted to let everything out. Not only that but you gotta get yourself into things get a hobby do a sport join a club. You're older then i am and can totally have a great time. So GO FOR IT!  Change who you are and be who you want to be. Go shopping and fix your hair and you will definitely have the self confidence to do it. Hope this helps.


  5. Are you sayin that you don't go out because you feel ugly and skinny or what? i'm kind of confused cus you seem to be talking about two different things.

    But anyway, when i was younger I always went out with my friends, drinking, shopping, parties, etc, etc. By the time i was 18 i was so bored of it all and the people I was with that I stopped going out, lost interest completely. My boyfriend was the same, he got bored oh his hometown, didn't like going out or the people he knew. So he made friends elsewhere and went out with them. Maybe you just need a change of scenery? A change of friends? Maybe you should look at things to do outside of school?

  6. a little THICK?

    Yeah right...

    See a doctor.

  7. Start with a physical exam and be sure to have a thyroid panel. As long as you are in good physical condition, you could benefit from a balanced food supplement program.  

  8. depression will not go away on its own. you need to seek professional help. go to your regular doctor first and tell him/her what is going on and see what he/she has to say about it. they can treat you with medication. they might also suggest that you go to a talk therapist for some additional help. you might even need to go to a psychiatrist. i have been going to one for 7 years now and am doing very well. i only see him once every three months now. and considering everything that has been going on in my life that is not bad. as a matter of fact i am even able to cut back on meds.

  9. dont worry, youll be fine. just get back on your feet and get some inspiration, like if you want to shop, think that someone you like is going to be there and even if hes not, go shopping. and most of all, have fun. you seem like a nice girl who is just confused right now :)

  10. Sounds like you are in a little bit of a funk.  Best thing is to get involved.  Stay active.  Even if you have to go through the emotions. Just push yourself.  Exercise is good.  Also get into a charismatic church.  Listen to positive music.  God will get you through this.  Also I noticed when I take the focus off myself and turned it to others I feel so much better.  Helping others....just brings a joy and you forget about your problems..

  11. Hang in there me I hope you get it figured out.  

  12. Okay first of all hun, your serotonin levels must be very low.  First thing you need to do is see a dr. Tell them how you are feeling and ask for a thorough blood test to measure thyroid levels (which is something lots of women have issues with, but don't know about) If your thyroid is under-active, it could be the reason why you feel so lackluster about life.  Do this before you let them put you on any sort of antidepressant.  At the same time you are doing this, start a light exercise routine, like walking.  Start small, but you will be amazed how much this increases your body's serotonin naturally.  Next, make sure you aren't self medicating with alot of alcohol, which is a depressant.  You can get through this.  Make a list of all your positive attributes and go from there.  Surround yourself only with people who are positive and good luck!

  13. i suggest going to your family doctar take some test in case there is something wrong with your brain (seriosly) and if not it my be a phase because the same happend with me

  14. It doesn't seem too serious but before it does, go talk to a counselor or therapist. You can talk to them about almost anything without being judged and it's all confidential. Whatever you do, DO NOT start cutting yourself or hurting yourself. I did and now I am addicted and it feels horrible.

    good luck!

  15. i think you should probably see a doctor, losing interest in things you once liked is a sign of depression, and losing weight is a pretty serious sign as well.  i definitely feel like blah sometimes, but if you are feeling like that ALL the time yes i think you should get help

  16. First of all snapping out of clinical depression is not possible. It sounds like this has been going on for a while. When you start dramatically changing routine there is usually something going on. Has you patterns of eating and sleeping changed, that's also a good indicator of depression. Many people think you have to be sad and cry to have depression but that is not true. Many of symptoms you describe are signs of depression.

    Also is there any history of depression in your family? Now a day depression can be treated much easier than in the past. Also it could be thyroid, blood sugar or several other things. Instead of just waiting it out and hoping for the best, and wasting time a blood test at the doctors could tell you a lot. Best of Luck

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